Store hours Mon-Sat 9:00-5:30, Sun 12:00-4:00
Family owned since 1954. Located in Oak Harbor, WA on the North end of Whidbey Island

Teleflora's Shining Beauty Bouquet

Teleflora\'s Shining Beauty Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Shining Beauty Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Shining Beauty Bouquet
Teleflora\'s Shining Beauty Bouquet

This item is not available online. Please call for purchasing options.

Go for the glam this Mother's Day with a gift that sparkles as brightly as she does--a breathtaking rose bouquet in a vibrant mosaic glass keepsake vase.

Substitution Policy

We hand-design each arrangement as close to the picture as possible. Similar substitutions may be made for flowers, plants, or container, depending on availability.